Application Process
The application narrative should address significant contributions made by the applicant team within the last twelve to twenty-four months,
which may represent a culmination of efforts begun prior to twenty-four months. Applications will be judged on the information provided in
the Entry form.
The criteria below identify attributes of an effective governance team as outlined in the CSBA Professional Governance Standards for School
Boards, which is available at this link, from districts and county offices of education.
Governance teams will be judged on their ability to:
- Focus on learning and achievement for all students.
- Maintain accountability for student learning by adopting the district curriculum and monitoring student progress.
- Ensure that a safe and appropriate educational environment is provided to all students.
- Communicate a common vision.
- Involve the community, parents, students and staff in developing a common vision for the district focused on learning and achievement and be responsive to the needs of all students.
- Provide community leadership on educational issues and advocate on behalf of students and public education at the local state and federal levels.
- Govern Effectively:
- Operate openly, with trust and integrity.
- Govern in a dignified and professional manner, treating everyone with civility and respect.
- Take collective responsibility for the board’s performance.
- Recognize and respect differences of perspectives and style on the board and among staff, students, parents and the community.
- Ensure opportunities for the diverse range of views in the community to inform board deliberations.
- Maintain a successful on-boarding process for new governance team members to ensure board commitments are met.
- Govern within board-adopted policies and procedures.
- Update, adopt and implement policies consistent with the law and the District/COE’s vision and goals.
- Evaluates its own effectiveness.
- Adopt a fiscally responsible budget based on the District’s/COE’s vision and goals, and regularly monitor the fiscal health of the LEA. (From CSBA Board Governance Standards).
- Apply an equity lens to guide decision making.
- Adopt responsible bargaining agreements.
- Participate in CSBA professional development and commit to ongoing training to be an informed and effective team.
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